Les gagnants du Défi de la Terre 2016

"The WHERE Challenge would like to thank all students who participated in this year's Challenge. The following entries were prepared and researched by students aged 9 to 14 years. While WHERE Challenge judges acknowledge that some entries may contain inaccuracies, they applaud students' efforts and the quality of the entries. The WHERE Challenge winners are as follows:"

Gagnants régionaux - de 9 à 11 ans

'What is used to Create Our Cellphones' ($125)
Rachel Power

Commentaires des juges : cliquez pour les consulter
Your presentation clearly identified Canada location specific examples of mining gold, silver, etc. Well done! Good use of Canadian citations. I enjoyed viewing your presentation.

Voir le dossier (présentation)

Gagnants régionaux - de 12 à 14 ans

Aucun projet soumis.

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